Jason Demo LTT
Jason Demo LTT
  • Updated

The key foundation for shooting performance is understanding what works for you. There are many schools of thought on pistol skills, and there are a lot of people who firmly believe their method is the ideal model, but most of these models are missing one critical factor - "The Why." 

We're different because we offer comprehensive reasoning behind each technique point.

We've found that “Listening to someone tell you what to do is easy in the moment," – “Just do it this way.” But, if you don't understand, "The Why," learning proper technique can take much longer, and lead to more frustrating outcomes at the range.

This series will include several topics Ernest covers in his pistol skills classes including:

  • Fundamentals
  • Drills
  • Techniques
  • The Why’s Behind the Techniques Ernest teaches
  • Ernest’s Methodology

Our Pistol Grip Series helps you in three primary areas:

  • Subconscious Performance
  • Muscle memory
  • Developing precise and consistent movements 

With enough practice, these techniques result in better precision and faster, more familiar draws. ​​​​​​​

Firearm ownership and EDC lifestyle are not one-size-fits-all - optimal solutions vary with wardrobe choices, destination considerations, and personal preference. 

At Langdon Tactical our driving mission is to provide the best firearms solutions and education for every need. We are passionate about every facet of firearms and it's important to us to share this information, so people can have access to premium education, at their own pace, along every walk of their firearm journey.

"Firearms and shooting have always been a passion for me – from competitive or practical, to hobby, and everyday carry purposes – being able to share this information in a clear and concise way is important to me. There are millions of new gun owners who need the fundamental skills to safely use their firearm, if they choose to have one for personal every day carry or home defense.”

        – Ernest Langdon, President of Langdon Tactical Technology, Inc.


#1: Grip https://youtu.be/pXahHtWJi4g
#2: Recoil Anticipation https://youtu.be/0dtn0SFP_-w
#3: Multiple Shots https://youtu.be/l0tHbEonGLQ
#4: From the Ready https://youtu.be/bIHFPPIqL6w
#5: Drawing from the Holster https://youtu.be/PIAGC1Tf0Iw
#6: 6 in 5 https://youtu.be/rWTp87z5fSs
#7: Reloads https://youtu.be/ONvA_FViss8
#8: One-Handed Shooting https://youtu.be/MFOSsFDTEKU
#9: All Hands Drill https://youtu.be/UX1huru0wxw
#10: Triple 6 Drill https://youtu.be/n9KHlMkIkrg
#11: Getting the Most out of your Live Fire Training https://youtu.be/DoTVoJjrNMc
#12: Using Cover https://youtu.be/SHmorJIVu10
#13: 5 Yard Round Up https://youtu.be/ALpu9Zg2JAQ
#14: Low Light Part 1 – Principles of Low Light https://youtu.be/y6lYHW4imA0
#15: Low Light Part 2 – Transitional Light https://youtu.be/CnUiMF1ZHqc
#16: Low Light Part 3 – Equipment Selection and Consideration https://youtu.be/4ljkZcW2Xf4
#17: Low Light Part 4 – Flashlight Techniques https://youtu.be/nlJqULcTb9Y
#18: Low Light Part 5 – The Night Shoot https://youtu.be/pzSVIjUZdyk
#19: Multiple Targets – Part 1 https://youtu.be/ii-bmPVlH4s
#20: Multiple Targets – Part 2 https://youtu.be/379F6pe4sec
#21: X-Drill https://youtu.be/g8S8vVssswQ
#22 Shooting on the Move https://youtu.be/crFh-pKSEBE
#23: Moving Targets https://youtu.be/XiydXcFh6hY
#24: 15 to the Third https://youtu.be/8pdMUHm0dJ4
#25: Fighting While Wounded Part 1: Draws and Reloads https://youtu.be/2KDiLGGjc0s
#26: Fighting While Wounded Part 2: Malfunctions https://youtu.be/f0s9udoUmsM
#27: The F.A.S.T. Test https://youtu.be/n8jGdPRcgq4
#28: The Rundown Drill https://youtu.be/mrKUEdGKCTM
#29: Think Before you Shoot – Cognitive Processing Drills https://youtu.be/j5eQ7e2CgDI
#30: The Test https://youtu.be/I32KNxVaHNk
#31: 9 Shot Close Speed https://youtu.be/SHmorJIVu10

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